Today we will look through questions you shouldn't ask during an interview.
You need to see the interview as the best exercise to value yourself as a person, but also as the best way to learn about a company. During the interview, the employer will analyse your profile in order to make the best choice "Is this person the best choice I have?". On the other hand, it's also the best way for you to know if you want or not to be part of this company.
Asking questions will show your interest, however, the wrong question can also do the opposite effect and result in you not getting the job.
In this article, we will look through questions some candidates asked me or would like to ask me and wether it's a good idea or not to ask it. With over 2 years of experience in recruitment and almost 100 candidates hired, I will be able to give you a good overview! :)
1) What's the name of the role I've applied to? No
That is a bad sign. You should be able to recall the application you did previously. Worst case you'll even tell me that you've applied to hundreds of positions. I don't want to know how many roles you've applied for. I'm contacting you regarding one specific role. One trick would be to put in an excel file the name of the role you are applying to. My second piece of advice would be to read the entire job description. This way you will only apply to roles you are genuinely interested in. This will make your process easier and to me as well.
2) Can I stop the contract before its term ?
Again, a bad sign for us. You haven't started yet and you want to leave? This could send the wrong message. Companies want serious, respectful candidates who respect their commitments. Between a highly motivated candidate, explaining from the beginning his or her wish to build a career within a company; and a candidate asking if he can leave before the end of the contract, the choice may be quickly made for our clients. Moreover, a candidate with a CV composed of very short experiences (less than 6 months), or changing company regularly, may also be problematic. Recruiters will question the seriousness of your application.
3) What are the company's policies on holidays/days off/paid leave? - Maybe
This question is important to you, of course. It is part of your job description and it is normal to understand how the company works. However, this question can be misinterpreted if it is asked at the beginning of an interview. You haven't even started yet and you already want to know when your next vacation will be, this is a bad idea. I advise you to ask this question during the last or second last interview when the job conditions are disclosed.
3. Can I work remote/ from home? - OK
As the global pandemic has hit the world, it is necessary and normal to know if the company has set up a strategy. This question must obviously be asked with a tactic. Working from home also means that the company must be convinced that you are sufficiently autonomous and serious to perform this job without supervision. The same goes for a remote position.
4. What does this company do? - Bad idea.
You can't possibly ask that question. You are supposed to have done your research on the company and applied it with knowledge. It is important to have done your research before the interview, nowadays all companies have a website where you can get the information you need with a simple click. Don't be lazy! Do your research and prepare for the interview, after all, you only have one chance to make a good impression.
5. How did I do in this interview? - Maybe
Asking for feedback on your interview can be positive, especially for younger candidates or more experienced candidates who have not been interviewed in a while. It shows seriousness and a desire to do well. Recruiters are always happy to help you, advise you or even send you additional information.
Here was a summary of the questions asked in interviews and that can be problematic, you now have all the keys to success! Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions at the following email address: jobs@multilingualjobsworldwide.com