Hi, my name is Michèle and i am an international recruiter for the german market.
I started my path at Multilingual Jobs Worldwide by the end of April 2021 and am working remotley from Frankfurt/Germany.
Working remotely has many benefits, such as being more flexible because you’re not having to drive to an office every day, which means you are saving time, that you can spend on working. Also, at least for me, it means working more focused as you’re not being distracted.
In the next minutes, I want to show you, how a normal day in the home office looks for us remote recruiters:
In the morning we usually prepare our job positings for social media and job portals. We are really putting a lot of effort in our job postings, as we want them to be unique and give potential candidates the best possible overview of the many international positions, that we are offering.
Afterwards we are starting with our scheduled interviews. We are really taking time for every candidate, to find the best job option for them, but also to prepare them for the interviews with our clients. As we are mostly offering jobs abroad, we all are experts when it comes to the different locations, so we are not only explaining the jobs to our candidates, but also are telling them about the amazing benefits of the different locations. We are supporting our candidates from the first application until the
We are not only posting jobs and wait for candidates to apply, but are also actively searching for possible candidates on different job portals, but also on social media.
Right now the german team is already spread over everywhere in Europe. We are two german recruiters who work remotely from Germany, one recruiter who is based in Malaga/Spain and one recuiter in Oslo/Norway ,as well as our manager.
We are having a team meeting three times a week, and as we are spread all over Europe, those meetings always take place online. So of course, you know your colleagues over the computer and you talk to them everyday, but (also because of the current Covid situation) you are not meeting them in person.
Our german team is though working together very well and we are in frequent exchange, but until last week, we didn’t meet in person.
This is where I want to explain why team building is so important, especially for an international team that’s not based in one office.
Last week we finally had the chance, to meet in person in Frankfurt, at least the remote recruiters from Germany and our manager from Oslo, as he is having family in Germany and is visiting them at the moment.
We met in Frankfurt and finally got the time to get to know each other outside of work. We spend one evening just chatting and getting to know more about each other. As we are seeing each other over the computer daily, we all had the feeling that we know each other already.
The next day, we had the opportunity to use the coworking space of the hotel to finally sit and work together.
Even though we only had two days together, I feel like we created a new bond to each other. We could share tipps and tricks as everyone of us is a specialist in his or her own kind of way and seeing how my colleagues approach different situations was very helpful for me as well, as we learned a lot from each other in this short amount of time. Also having meetings face-to-face and not online was very rewarding as we could brainstorm and think of ways to approach different situations all together without having an online kind of boundary.
I didn’t realize before, how important those teambuilding events are especially for a remote team.
Meeting and talking to someone face-to-face is building a stronger bond than a video meeting could ever do. I feel like we all are now even more motivated and ready to make our team super successfull.
I am really happy, that Multilingual Jobs Worldwide gave us this amazing oppurtunity and I can’t wait to meet the whole team, as soon as Covid is giving us the chance to do it.
Those two days made us all realize, how well we already function as a team and that the best is yet to come.
So, even if I really like to work from home and like its benefits, I think a good and succesfull team can only exist, if you are meeting in person on a regular basis.