Finding work in Dublin can still be tough. Especially expats need to have patience when looking for a job and largely dependent on your language skills. One should at least have fluent English skills, but there is also a big need for other special languages, due to the high amount of international companies from around the world. The financial sector provides many expats with employment, but a big part of expats are transferred within their company and many work in the IT sector.
The business ethics in Ireland is similar to the UK and the US. There are a lot of meetings, strict hierarchy and the work wear is very formal. The Irish people do take their work very seriously and the working hours can be long.
Living costs in Dublin are somewhat higher than in many other locations in Europe, but lower than in for example London or New York. One of the special features in Dublin is the fact that even though you live in the heart of the city, you are only a half an hour away from some of the most beautiful landscapes and scenery. Ireland is full of opportunities for an outdoorsy lifestyle. In addition to all the exciting things you can do outdoors, there’s plenty of other activities in the city. There’s a vibrant nightlife, good restaurants and entertainment locations, events, spas, you name it!
Dublin has both an international feel and a special local magic to it, so you will not have a shortage of new things to see and experience!
First City
Second City